How to Install Android 12 GSI ROM on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 (X00T/X00TD)

Hi, hope you all healthy as always, Android 12 Beta 5 was previously launched in September 8 at 2021. And also the GSI Android 12 in the same time, but can we install Android 12 on Asus Max Pro M1 ? Officially is not, because Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 only got Android 10 update as they latest OS, and if you try with unofficial method the answer is yes! with custom ROM  we can update our OS to the latest version especially with GSI ROM.

So, what the GSI ROM ? is the Generic System Image that runnable on variety of android devices with Android 8 or Android 9 shipped in the first phone release ( i mean when the phone is launched they use Android 8 or 9 as their first OS), and also GSI is a pure android implementation, so you can't find feature that included on any other custom rom like corvus, havoc, and other like that.

And now we trying to install Android 12 on Asus Zenforne Max Pro M1 X00T/X00TD, and i will mentioning below what we need to install android 12:

  1. Unlocked Bootloader.
  2. Custom Recovery Installed (i use Orange Fox 11_02 so just use same as me)
  3. You must on  ROM which have Treble compatible. 
  4. Backup your important data to another storage.
  5. Install  063 Firmware Only.
  6. Download Android 12 GSI ROM for X00T
That's what you need, if you don't have any what i said you must installing it first! Now we can jump to the main article, installing Android 12 on Asus Max Pro M1 :
  1. Boot your phone to the recovery
  2. if your previous rom and firmware not have treble compatible and not 063 firmware, do full wipe (dalvik, cache,data, system, vendor, internal storage if needed)
  3. Install 063 Firmware to boot treble compatible ROM.
  4. download this ROM ( and install like other zip rom.
  5. after corvus ROM successfully installed please don't reboot the system, just go to the reboot option in main menu of recovery and choose reboot recovery
  6. after reboot recovery is successful and you come back to the recovery go to wipe menu and choose dalvlik, cache, data, system, internal storage (if you want to format your internal) and start wipe it. (please dont choose or check the vendor, coz we need it.)
  7. after wiping complete, Please download android 12 that i attached above and extract, it will give you .img file format. 
  8. after extraction completed move .img file from extraction file to your phone using mtp on pc or external sd card
  9. then, goto to install menu and browse the .img file that we got from extracting the Android 12 GSI ROM before, click the file and choose system when it asked "flash the img file as"
  10. if it done, please swipe to reboot and ignore the "no system installed" warning. 
  11. and we done to installing Android 12 on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1
Here some picture from my phone which is android 12 installed successfully and boot up.

Okey then, we done to installing the android 12. so, are you interesting to make it zip to your device for easiest installation process ? i updating the tutorial soon, just stay tune in this blog, and if you have any question please leave it on comment, don't forget to share to everyone to spread knowledge :D see you on the next article.

Cara Menginstall Custom ROM pada Ponsel Android dan Perlu gak sih Kita Memakai Custom ROM ?

Hallo semuanya, semoga sehat selalu dimanapun kalian berada. Akhir akhir ini, di lingkungan saya banyak yang mengeluh karena OS yang mereka gunakan lambat, ngelag buat main game dan editing efek slowmo, ngehapus file lama, dan semacamnya, alih-alih mereka menanyakan soal ROM dan meminta saya untuk mengcustom ROM hp milik mereka, dan tak lama hal ini pun merembat menyebar "stigma" yang dimana kalau custom ROM itu "jadi lebih GAMING hpnya" , apakah sebenarnya yang terjadi ketika hp kita di custom rom ? yuk kita bahas.

Oke, jadi Custom ROM merupakan sebuah OS android yang dimana telah di modif atau custom oleh seseorang atau komunitas sehingga menjadi lebih user-preference alias sesuka pengguna, tidak ada lagi limitasi dan lebih leluasa, program aplikasi nya pun sedikit, hampir tidak ada aplikasi yang bloat. biasanya Setiap custom rom memiliki ciri khas nya masing masing tergantung dari si pembuat, ada yang di tampilan (UI) hingga performa, dan dalam hal tersebut masih bisa kita custom lagi sesuai keinginan kita.

Lalu apakah Custom ROM itu membantu apa lebih baik tetap bawaan alias Stock ROM ? Hal ini tentu merupakan prefrensi seseorang, namun disisi lain Custom ROM memberikan dampak yang baik bagi hardware hardware usang atau tak terlalu usang, yakni memberikan lifespan yang lumayan sehingga bisa mengurangi limbah smart phone, biasanya dampak dari Android lawas atau usang adalah berhentinya kompabilitas atau keselarasan aplikasi pada ponsel kalian, sehingga ponsel kalian tidak dapat menggunakan aplikasi yang dimaksud. Sehingga apabila kalian menggunakan Custom ROM dengan versi Android yang terbaru akan memberikan efek jera bagi ponsel lama kalian. "Apa gak lebih berat bang ponsel lawas di kasih versi Android yang paling baru ?" Jawabanya ya tergantung kalian yang kalian install, jika kalian merasakan lack di performa kalian bisa mem-tweak custom ROM tersebut sesuai kebutuhan. 

"Custom ROM ada tipe nya gak bang ?" ada dua (2) nih teman-teman, yaitu flashable zip ROM dan GSI ROM. Flashable zip ROM merupakan rom berekstensi zip yang didalam nya berisikan file file system, baik itu terkompres atau tidak (untuk custom ROM baru biasanya di kompres ke format dan yang custom ROM keluaran lawas biasanya tidak di kompres namun folder sesuai letak systemnya) dan Flashable zip ROM biasanya hanya untuk satu Devices atau perangkat, sedangkan GSI ROM merupakan Generic System Image yaitu file image system yang sudah disesuaikan untuk android sehingga dapat berjalan di banyak perangkat berbeda dan belum di modifikasi oleh komunitas (namun sekarang GSI sudah ada yang di modifikasi, pengembang nya itu dari sebuah komunitas yang terkenal adalah Erfan dan nippon), sesuai nama GSI ini berkestensi .img yang dimana cara penginstalan nya berbeda dengan custom ROM yang zip.

"Lalu cara mengingstall atau memasang Custom ROM itu gimana bang ?" oke, disini saya ambil garis besar nya saja ya, setiap perangkat atau ponsel itu berbeda-beda tentunya, dikarenakan beda sistem dan beda juga keamanan nya. Namun secara garis besar itu hampir sama dan disarankan untuk melihat panduan yang disediakan oleh komunitas dari HP nya. Secara garis besar yang kita lakukan adalah :

  1. Unlock Bootloader
  2. Pasang custom recovery
  3. Install decrypt agar recovery tidak hilang dan mendapatkan full akses ke partisi
  4. Install firmware sesuai dari hpnya yang diperlukan untuk custom ROM nya dapat berjalan di hpnya (selebihnya lihat komunitas hp kalian dan ini berlaku untuk hp hp keluaran baru)
  5. Install custom ROM
  6. Dan rooting apabila kalian butuh yang namanya akses root.
Hal ini akan lebih panjang lagi jika kalian ingin menginstall Custom ROM GSI disarankan untuk melihat panduan di komunitas atau lihat di dokumentasi berikut dan berikut jika kalian menggunakan HP google pixel ataupun seorang developer. Atau bahkan bisa rumit lagi seperti melakukan repartisi sebelum melakukan instalasi custom rom, dan jika kalian mengalami kegagalan kalian bisa mengalami gagal booting baik itu softbrick alias bootloop, atau system corrupt bahkan bisa sampai ke hardbrick yaitu mati total, yang hanya bisa sembuh jika ganti emmc. jadi pastikan kalian membaca baca lagi panduan yang telah disediakan oleh komunitas ya, agar tidak terjadi hal tesebut.

semoga hal ini dapat membantu kalian dan bisa mengurangi limbah smart phone, mungkin hanya itu yang bisa saya sampaikan jika ada yang kurang yuk, ramein di kolom komentar biar kita saling berbagi dan sama sama tahu, dan sampai jumpa pada artikel berikutnya :D

How To Fix Apex Legend won't start or launch or open after EasyAntiCheat loading splash screen

Hi, Welcome back to the lovely blog!. Windows 11 was came out in late June on the windows insider dev channel for the first time, and now we almost reach for the official release in the October 5. And for us who has tasted the windows 11 in the earlier build definitely facing the problem tho, like annoying taskbar, start or search not working properly, or maybe the program won't launch or not compatible with the OS including video games, like Valorant there must enabling TPM 2.0 warning to play these game and Apex Legend won't launch after EasyAntiCheat loading screen.

In the late August the new build of windows 11 insider preview was coming out which is 22000.168 build version, and when i done updating my windows and went to start playing apex legend to chill out in evening, so when i clicked the game icon and EasyAntiCheat loading was done the game didn't launch and i decide to check Task Manager and start clicking the game again and the result r5apex.exe has ended by itself. Before i start googling the problem, here method what i try:

  • Verify Integrity File
  • switch to origin (so i redownloaded the game)
  • update my GPU driver (i thought my AMD card must using the new version driver so i decide to update it)
  • Switch it language (english to another)
  • close and end all process of origin and try launch apex legend by it self without the launcher
And it's not give me the solution, the game still won't open nor launch after the EasyAntiCheat loading screen, and then when i check the google with keyword "Apex Legend won't open after EasyAntiCheat windows 11" there is someone had the problem same and earlier than me. He posted on July in the Reddit and EA COMUNITY  and when he had the problem on that day, i still playing apex and fortnite without any issue until i got the same problem when i updating to 22000.168 and upgrade my GPU to RX 580 with 2.8.1 driver installed on my system.

And now i already fixed the problem, what i do is :
1. I remember when i visit the AMD support website on the driver download page, there is no WHQL labeled on there for 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 driver. so i run dxdiag to make sure my system is WHQL certified or not. And the result surprising me, there is WHQL logo'd : no and give me some error log or note. (I personally using AMD mod driver from NimeZ in Guru3D forum which is their tweaked the driver become WHQL ready for the latest driver, so that's why i had to check my WHQL status and yeah the update broke my WHQL status for sure)
2. I boot up my pc to the safe mode and start DDU to clean and uninstalling my previous driver on the system.
3. After the reboot done, i start installing the same driver which is 2.8.1. And after installation is done, i try to run apex legend again and the game was launch i got the lobby and start 1 match and its fine now.

Until the next update is coming which is 2249 for the dev channel and 22000.176 beta channel, and i prefer to switch to beta because if i stay on dev it become different experience from the windows 11 that releasing in 5th October 2021, and the game still run fine without any problem but sometimes EAC do wrong and make the game stuck in loading after the match when we go to lobby, in this problem you just need to repair EAC with run the setup and choose the game to be repaired, but for fortnite still running fine without any issues even your GPU driver not WHQL (for my case).

So, this is my experience for installing the beta OS on main rig. don't be lazy if u installing the beta OS on your main rig, keep doing the research until it fixed or must revert back to the previous OS which is stable. Hope this help you all to fix the Apex Legend won't start or launch or open after EasyAntiCheat loading splash screen, leave the comment if any questing. Let's discuss together, and see you in the next article.

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