cara backup dan restore save game darksider 2

hi, guys. gimana kabar nya ? semoga sehat ya, kali ini saya akan membahas tentang save game terkusus pada cara backup dan restore nya pada game game pirate atau bajakan kalau asli mungkin tidak perlu local tetapi online yaitu di account steam nya atau store nya masing masing dimana anda dalam membeli game nya. untuk topik pertama dalam membahas save game di blog saya ini, saya akan mengangkat tentang cara backup dan restore save game darksider II atau darksider 2. game ini cukup interest sekali dari gameplay, maupun grafik; game ini bergenre RPG atau roleplaying game. sangat cocok sekali bagi kalian yang suka berpetualng dalam game. okey, dari pada kelaman mending langsung aja ke pembahasan.

1. cara backup save game darksider II
- buka windows explorer dengan menekan tombol win+e
- pastikan hidden folder telah di tampakan, kita menuju C:\Users\namauser\AppData\Local
- dan cari folder SKIDROW
- copy kan folder SKIDROW tsb beserta isinya ke direktori misalkan E:\ atau D:\ yang penting jangan di C:\

nah itu tadi cara backup save game Darksider II

2. cara restore save game darksider II
bahan : save patcher for darksider II
- download bahan diatas lalu ekstrak
- kemudian pindahkan hasil ekstrakan yang berformat .exe ke folder SKIDROW yang anda backup tadi atau milik anda lalu pastekan di subfolder yang terletak di dalam folder SKIDROW yaitu \50650\storage\disini dan pastikan didalam folder SKIDROW\50650\storage tadi terdapat file beresktensi .dsav dan .dopt
- lalu pindah kan folder SKIDROW ke C:\Users\namauser\AppData\Local\disini

- lalu masuk ke folder SKIDROW yang telah kalian copy ke C:\Users\namauser\AppData\ tadi dan jalan kan file yang bersekstensi .exe dan akan keluar cmd kalian tekan y tunggu hingga ada bacaan patch completed lalu enter maka cmd akan close otomatis

- dan coba run game darksider nya apakah save game kalian sebelum nya terload. jika terload maka itu tanda nya kalian berhasil. dan apabila masih corrupted silakan komentar dibawah ini.

nah begitu saja semoga membantu saya harap kalian bisa melakukan nya dan work pastinya. jika ada saran, komentar, bahkan pertanyaan silakan tinggalkan komentar dibawah ini. sekian terimaksih

how to show albumart on ncmpcpp

okey in this article, i wanna show you how to make your ncmpcpp look beauty like your girlfriend. that its how to show album arts on ncmpcpp, its possible to show casue you don't need again album text statement. but, now you can look album picture when your play music on ncmpcpp.
this my ncmpcpp

okey lets move into step.

1. copy this scritp into your ~/.ncmpcpp/config

% egrep -v '^#' .ncmpcpp/config
mpd_music_dir = "/home/user/Music/"

mpd_host = ""
mpd_port = "6601"
mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "yes"
lines_scrolled = "1"

visualizer_in_stereo = "no"
visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
visualizer_output_name = "my_fifo"
visualizer_sync_interval = "10"
visualizer_type = "spectrum"
visualizer_look = "▋▋"

message_delay_time = "3"
playlist_shorten_total_times = "yes"
playlist_display_mode = "classic"
browser_display_mode = "columns"
search_engine_display_mode = "columns"
playlist_editor_display_mode = "columns"
autocenter_mode = "yes"
centered_cursor = "yes"
user_interface = "classic"
follow_now_playing_lyrics = "yes"
locked_screen_width_part = "60"
display_bitrate = "no"
external_editor = "nano"

main_window_highlight_color = "white"

progressbar_elapsed_color = "white"
progressbar_color = "black"

#progressbar_look = "▃▃▃"
progressbar_look = "─⊙ "

mouse_support = "yes"
header_visibility = "no"
statusbar_visibility = "no"

statusbar_color = "white"
visualizer_color = "white"
titles_visibility = "no"
enable_window_title = "yes"

now_playing_prefix = "$b"
now_playing_suffix = "$8$/b"

#now_playing_prefix = "$u$2"
#now_playing_suffix = "$2$/u$2"

song_columns_list_format = "(6)[]{} (23)[red]{a} (26)[yellow]{t|f} (40)[green]{b} (4)[blue]{l}"

color1 = "white"
color2 = "black"

song_list_format = " $5%l  $7%t $R$5%a "

#uncomment both statement's below if you want to display the albumart

song_list_format = "                               $2%t $R$5%a "

song_status_format = "$b$7♫ $2%a $4⟫$3⟫ $8%t $4⟫$3⟫ $5%b "
song_window_title_format = " {%a} - {%t}"

2. and copy this code and save as to ~/ncmpcpp and making that script is executable by use that command chmod +x


#put this file to ~/.ncmpcpp/

MUSIC_DIR=/media/dante/deb/Sounds/ #path to your music dir


function reset_background
    printf "\e]20;;100x100+1000+1000\a"

    album="$(mpc -p 6601 --format %album% current)"
    file="$(mpc -p 6601 --format %file% current)"
    [[ -z "$album_dir" ]] && exit 1

    covers="$(find "$album_dir" -type d -exec find {} -maxdepth 1 -type f -iregex ".*/.*\(${album}\|cover\|folder\|artwork\|front\).*[.]\(jpe?g\|png\|gif\|bmp\)" \; )"
    src="$(echo -n "$covers" | head -n1)"
    rm -f "$COVER"
    if [[ -n "$src" ]] ; then
        #resize the image's width to 300px
        convert "$src" -resize 300x "$COVER"
        if [[ -f "$COVER" ]] ; then
           #scale down the cover to 30% of the original
           printf "\e]20;${COVER};70x70+0+00:op=keep-aspect\a"
} &

3. in the look into MUSIC_DIR line and set the variable to your music dir. example:


4. assure, you have a album art picture in your music dir . i suggest, to make sub folder for your music with same album. like this, and dont forget to rename your picture album to cover.jpg
5. the dependecies you must have is mpc and imagemagick. at here i use 6601 port on my mpc and mpd, so you can change it to your port how much you use
and bingo, if you got flick on urxvt just adjust the geometry.

yeah that its, if you have question, comment , and thanks, just comment below. lets disqus.

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