how to load font on lemonbar

hi guys, today i wanna tell you about linux again especially, for you which happy with your desktop or linux rice. so, i want to tell about lemonbar.
lemonbar (formerly known as bar) is a lightweight bar entirely based on XCB. Provides full UTF-8 support, basic formatting, RandR and Xinerama support and EWMH compliance without wasting your precious memory.

many people asked how to load font on lemonbar or why i was load font in lemonbar and show could not load font blabla. today i give your solution to load font on lemonbar. lets to step;

1. first you must completed and install the deppedencies for lemonbar
$sudo apt-get install libxcb-xinerama0-dev
$sudo apt-get install libxcb-randr0-dev

2. clone this repository and take in into the folder
$git clone && cd bar

3. install apt-file to search additional deppedencies
$sudo apt-get install apt-file

4. and try to compile with make ($sudo make) if you found log error like below follow step 5
5. search the file what they need the picture above say, they need Xlib-xcb.h so we use apt-file to search main deppedencies of Xlib-xcb.h
$apt-file search Xlib-xcb.h

6. if already search and show like this picture bellow
you must install the deppedencies like red tag on picture above. so, you must install libx11-xcb-dev
$sudo apt-get install libx11-xcb-dev

7. clear ?, back into bar folder and compile with make like this
$sudo make
8. and install with make like this
$sudo make install

and then its my lemonbar. i use HIVNotRetro and Hack font, you can pick your font name from lxappearance or other tweak tool

okey, thanks guy. if you harder to try, found other command, success, or etc please leave comment bellow. we disqus together.

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note : untuk step 5 dan 6 maaf saya tidak bisa ambil gambar nya soalnya windows exploler bakal close.

dan setelah reboot lihat hasil nya, jika berhasil tidak akan ada lagi tulisan windows is not genuie, selamat !.
oke sob, itu saja yang dapat saya sampaikan semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian dan berguna. jika ada saran maupun berhasil dan kurang paham bisa tinggalkan komentar dibawah ini. sekian terimakasih :D

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