Showing posts with label rice-windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rice-windows. Show all posts

Enabling Resize able BAR in RTX 20 and GTX 16 Series

 Hi guys, it's been a long day i dont upload a new article on my blog because i struggle in live streaming world, trying to be entertaining and inspirational for other player those who watch my stream. and today i will show you how to enable Resize able BAR or REBAR in RTX 20 and GTX 16 series GPU which is officially doesn't support REBAR, i tested with NVIDIA RTX 2060 6GB GHOST GAINWARD, the result was the best giving me a good vibes. 


this method will time consuming, not at all but can brick your motherboard if your not careful. Now it's time to tutorial and maybe i will write in Bahasa Indonesia too.


UEFITool non-NE & UEFIPatch  0.28.0 

NvStrapsReBAR (ReBarDxe.ffs)

we assume your motherboard have feature called 4G Decoding / Decode 4G, because my motherboard had it.

Bios update file which is can be downloaded in manufacture website.

Step 1 - Adding FFS Module : 

1. Open your BIOS file with UEFITool non-NE 0.28.0

2. File  -> Search and make sure to select Header Only box (if your BIOS file format doesn't detected when opening with UEFITool just don't forget to change to all file (*) in file type inside explorer pop up), search this GUID 3C1DE39F-D207-408A-AACC-731CFB7F1DD7 . This is the GUID of the PciBus module.

looking for PciBus GUID - credit

it should show like this, even PciBus module name may not display.

PciBus GUID search result - credit

3. Scroll to the end of the volume that the DXE driver is located in. Right click on the last module and select Insert after. Pick the ReBarDxe.ffs file that you downloaded and click Open.

inserting ReBarDxe.ffs - credit

4. You should see the ReBarDxe module added.

module has been added - credit

5. File -> Save image file to save your modified BIOS.

Step 2 - Patching Modified BIOS file : 

1. Download UEFIPatch in the link i given above.

2. Extract UEFIPatch and put the modified BIOS that we created before in extracted folder of UEFIPatch.

modified BIOS inserted - credit and

3. Open CMD with Administrator Rights permission, then locate powershell to UEFIPatch extracted folder that contain our BIOS modified file, then run this command UEFIPatch.exe yourBIOSmodifiedNAME.rom 

following command - credit and

4. And the file will be patched, then close the cmd.

5. you will received new file from Patching prosses, which is yourBIOSmodifiedNAME.rom.patch (just adding new format called dotpatch ".patch") and copy the patched file to USB flash drive then rename it to your manufacture BIOS file Format. then FLASH it to your motherboard.

STEP 3 - After flashing the new modified BIOS firmware :

1. don't panic if your pc turn on and off for a while.

2. turn on 4G decode and rebar option (this is will available because the motherboard officially supported rebar, if rebar option not appear it's enough to leave it on in 4G decode)

3. setting your bios like your TPM and secure boot also your overclock setting and clock setting, because it will reset during flashing new firmware.

4. run NvStrapsReBar.exe as Administrator to enable the new BAR size, by following the text-mode menus. If you have a recent motherboard, you only need to input E to Enable ReBAR for Turing GPUs, then input S to save the new driver configuration to EFI variable. For older motherboards without ReBAR, you also need to input P and set BAR size on the PCI side (motherboard side).

5. reboot to apply changes. 

And done, you can now force on rebar with Nvidia Profile inspector in your favorite games. and the rebar will magically working for your games. if you not apply this mod and only enabling through Nvidia profile inspector it will do NOTHING (sometimes you don't need to trust to youtuber). 

and this is rebar on my current computer

CPU : Intel I7-9700F



BAR Size both on GPU Z and nvidia-smi: 8GB

on new driver and gpu z version, the all value will be changes to YES

thanks for reading my blog, and don't forget subscribe to my youtube channel and come to my stream, i usually stream on TIKTOK and TWITCH. and i hope you can also enabling Resizeable BAR on your RTX 20 or GTX 16 series :)

How to remove Ads on spotify client windows

hi guys, hope we safe. during this pandemic stay home its better and when staying home it will be nice while hearing music. if you using spotify but your premium subs has ended, here some trick to block a banner ads on spotify client windows pc (if you using linux i will be uumm give it to you too on below) and yeah the ads will be gone. Before we go i wanna say thanks to my bro Harry Elric on facebook for give me a clue about this.

here some depedencies after we start the tutorial (you must install this first)

  1. Scoop
  2. curl (install using scoop, on power shell type this command scoop install curl)
  3. spicetify 

and if you finish for installing three depedencies above lets follow this step.

1. goto C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc copy hosts file to another directory and open up host file then insert this line at the bottom** 

as the result will be like this pict:

2. and put back edited hosts file to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc just replace it!

3. goto powershell and type 

spicetify (hit enter)

spicetify backup apply enable-devtool

4. it will be open up a spotify, for example goto liked song and if you see banner ad just right click on it then select inspect element

5. search this element (ctrl+f)

<div id="wiew-leaderboard-ad" 

and this

<div id="view-billboard-ad" class="billboard"

and delete that two things, just right click on the element then hit the delete element. like this pict :

for <div id="wiew-leaderboard-ad" 

and for <div id="view-billboard-ad" class="billboard"

6. yups, your done! the banner ads has been gone.. enjoy it!

but you can still hearing the audio advertisement like:

7. if you close and open it again the ads will be back, to delete it again just repeat step number 5 ONLY!

yay, that how to remove ads without premium subs. its for education only, no anymore! and if you using a linux you can follow this links also you can follow my tutorial tho. dont forget to leave comments if you wanna ask about this tutorial. and this articel is for educational only, buy the premium is better than doing like this. :D 

2 aplikasi / software untuk mempatch Tema pada Windows

hey guys, bagi kalian yang ingin windows nya tampil beda ada caranya guys. tidak hanya menginstall visual style atau skinpack saja, ada juga hal yang tak kalah penting nya yaitu mempatch sistem kalian.
cara ini bisa dilakukan, apalagi jika anda menggunakan skinpack. biasanya hal itu sudah terlaksana tapi, adahal lain. jika komputer anda low spec dan menggunakan skinpack akan terasa berat saat melakukan multitasking. maka dari itu saya merekomendasi kan untuk menggunakan visual style.
visual style yang saya maksud bisa kalian search dan download di
dan beriktut software yang saya maksud.

1. UltraUXthemepatcher
- Download dan Install UltraUXthemepatcher di perangkat kalian

- setelah installasi telah selesai sepenuhnya restart perangkat kalian apabila diminta, setelah di restart kalian bisa menggunakan custom theme apa saja di windows pada perangkat kalian guys..

uxstlye bisa downoad di mari lalu install seperti software biasanya dan hampir sama seperti cara diatas..

nah setelah anda telah menginstall salah satu software tersebut silakan happy modding dengan visual style kalian :D .
note; jika kalian menginstall UxStyle terlebih dahulu lalu menginstall UltraUXthemepatcher kemungkinan windows akan blank saat setelah direstart, maka dari itu kalian harus menginstall software tersebut salah satu.
sekian termiakasih

cara ganti logon atau boot screen di windows 7,8,10


kali ini saya mau berbagi tips tentang PC ni cuy.. saya mau berbagi guide sederhana sesuai judul, cocok untuk kalian yang dah nerapin theme visual style. alhamdulilah trik ini berhasil di saya.. langsung aja kita menuju tutorialnya.. :D

saya menggunakan windows 7 32 bit

untuk windows 10 dan windows 8
buka pc setting > personalization > dan buka lock screen

untuk windows 7
fitur ini telah ada di original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) digunakan untuk mengkustomisasikan system dan fitur ini belum aktif kamu harus mengaktifkan nya di registry editors
 langsung aja ke tutorialnya gaes..

buka registry editor dengan melalui regedit di search box pada start menu
di registery editor ikuti path folder di bawah ini
kamu akan melihat oems background. jika tidak ada klik kanan di pane kanan lalu pilih new submenu dan pilih create a new DWORD dengan nama OEMBackground

lalu klik kanan OEMBackground dan set value menjadi 1
jika kamu mengganti tema mu di personalize itu akan menghilang kan value nya dan kamu harus mem ngedit nya lagi seperti cara di atas

 ganti setting di group policy akan memberikan izin yang sama jika kamu mengganti tema mu, tapi group policy editor hanya ada di windows 7 professional edition. untuk windows 7 ultimate tenang saya akan berikan solusinya

ketik group policy di start menu dan ikuti gambar dibawah
didalam group policy editor lalu arah kan ke Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon

kamu akan melihat “Always use custom login background.” double click lalu set menjadi enabled.

sekarang saatnya menyeting gambar

pastikan gambar yang di gunakan paling sedikit ukuran nya 256kb dan pas di layar pc kamu..

baik langsung aja..

ikuti dan masuk ke directory ini C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds
secara default folder info and backgrounds tidak terlihat bahkan tdk ada,untuk itu kalian bisa membuat nya dengan membuat folder baru di dalam C:\Windows\System32\oobe

copy kan gambar yang kalian ke path tadi lalu ubah namanya ke backgrounddefault.jpg

selesai dah.. cara melihat nya dah jadi atau belum tinggal lockscreen aja laptop kamu dan lihat..hasilnya

thanks to.
allah swt
how-to-geek forum

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