how to lemonbar configuration

today, i wanna tell you how to configuration lemonbar or lemonbar configruation. lemonbar (formerly known as bar) is a lightweight bar entirely based on XCB. Provides full UTF-8 support, basic formatting, RandR and Xinerama support and EWMH compliance without wasting your precious memory. so lets begin.

to install lemonbar and load font on lemonbar you can go here > installing lemonbar and load font on lemonbar

remember lemonbar is statusbar, not panel. so, its not any taskbar. just print the output.

we wanna fetching information about :
1. date
2. ssid of wifi
3. batery
4. sound level
5. clock
6. window active status
7. music
8. icon for this item

1. fetching the date
 we would use date command to print out that.

date '+%d %b' #this print day number of the month and month

2. ssid of wifi
we would use iwgetid command to make simply setup but powerfull. let's se bellow

iwgetid -r  # it just print the ssid no other

3. battery
its important to avoid the low battery status and urged you to chare your laptop. i use acpi command to make it simple

acpi | cut -d, -f2 #its only  print battery level

4. sound level
sound level can print into two type of output. can be proggesbar and can be text. if you wanna proggressbar use mkb and if you want text lets follow me.
we use amixer command.

amixer get master | grep "Front Left:" | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d [ -f2 | cut -d ] -f1 # its only print sound level

5. clock
as same as with date we use date command

date '+%H:%M'

6. window active status
window active status only print the name of focused window not like panel clickable and print the name. we use xdotool command

xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname

7. music
we use mpd and mpc command to print the listening music status

mpc -p 6601 -f "%artist% >> %title%" | head -1

8. icon for this item
you must install siji font to get icon for this ouput and to make more beautiful setup of bar.
if you already install that font let's follow

run this command to get the glymphes code
xfd -fa Siji
and choose icon what you want to print at your bar setup for example:
the glymphes code of music icon is : 0x00e05c to print on the bar just run like this
echo -e "\ue05c" | lemonbar -f "Siji-8" -p #this print with bar standalone not fetch with all

this setup will be eat more reosources of ram, coz you will run two lemonbar to get bar on right and left. but, not much eat resource. on this setup we would use bash script, if statement, case statement, while true do, and function like a C. oke let's follow.

make bash script like this
1. for status item of lemonbar

$vim statusquh

#ndow="$(xdotool get_desktop | grep 0)"
#inf="$(mpc -p 6601 -f "%artist%" | head -1 | wc -l)"
#wifikek='iwgetid -r | wc -l'
#bat='acpi -i | head -1 | cut -d, -f1 | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | grep "Charging" | wc -l'

case $1 in

 ndow=`xdotool get_desktop | wc -l`
 if [ $ndow -eq 1 ]; then
 xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname

 inf=`mpc -p 6601 -f "%artist%" | head -1 | wc -l`
 if [ $inf -eq 1 ]; then
 mpc -p 6601 -f "%artist% >> %title%" | head -1
 echo not playing

 amixer get Master | grep "Front Left:" | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d [ -f2 | cut -d ] -f1

 wifiqu=`iwgetid | wc -l`
 if [ $wifiqu -eq 0 ]; then
 echo "off"
 iwgetid -r

 bat=`acpi -i | head -1 | cut -d, -f1 | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | grep "Charging" | wc -l`
 if [ $bat -eq 1 ]; then
 echo "Charging"
 echo "Discharging"

 des=`xdotool get_desktop | wc -l`
 if [ $des -eq 1 ]; then
 xdotool get_desktop

 acpi | cut -d, -f2

 date '+%H:%M'

 date '+%d %b'


save this code and move into /usr/local/bin/ with this command

 sudo mv statusquh /usr/local/bin

2. now then, for left lemonbar

$vim kiri


case $1 in
nda() {
    echo -e "\ue0b1" && statusquh window

ndi() {
    echo -e "\ue224" && statusquh infobat

ndu() {
    echo -e "\ue10f" && statusquh wifi

nde() {
    echo -e "\ue107" && echo Hana

while :; do

echo $kok $kek $kuk $kik
sleep 1

save it, and move into /usr/local/bin

3. and this for right lemonbar

$vim kanan


case $1 in
nda() {
    echo "%{F$red}TGL:%{F-}" && statusquh tanggal

ndi() {
    echo "%{F$red}JAM:%{F-}" && statusquh jam

ndu() {
    echo "%{F$red}VOL:%{F-}" && statusquh volume

nde() {
    echo "%{F$red}BAT:%{F-}" && statusquh batre

while :; do

echo $kok $kek $kuk $kik
sleep 1

save it and move into /usr/local/bin

5. for lemonbar to print out that

$vim barkiri

kiri semua | lemonbar -p -f "Clean-10" -f "Siji-8" -g 1366x24

save it and move into /usr/local/bin

6. for second lemonbar to print out that

$vim barkanan

kanan semua | lemonbar -p -f "Clean-10" -g 250x24+1116+0

7. testing time !
for testing. run kiri and kanan like this


the result is like this

if you want find much more about lemonbar configuration or my dotfile just visit my github page > dante08
oke, i hope you can do about configuration lemonbar. only that for me, littlebit about lemonbar especialy about lemonbar configuration. so thank you much.

[SOLVED] how to fix touchpad acer Aspire E14 ES1-411 after install windows 10

hi guys tonight i will tell you about how to fix touchpad acer Aspire E14 ES1-411 after install windows 10. becasue this laptop is not supported on windows 7 ( i think ) , so i installed windows 10 and after that i got an  error on touchpad and some combination keyboard shortcut like fn+f7 and on BIOS not any configuration about that touchpad. so i want to show you how think work out, let's check this out.

material ( you must download that and installing on your  acer Aspire E14 ES1-411)

1. you must downloaded all this driver, install that and follow the step in the installation
2. if everything installed correctly and reboot your acer Aspire E14 ES1-411
3. taarrraa, if cursor indikator are show its mean your done to fix  acer Aspire E14 ES1-411 touchpad.

note :
1. its A.K.A like same installing other dirver
2. if this step fail on you. another way is update your BIOS system, but i test on  acer Aspire E14 ES1-411-C61F its worked perfectly. so try this tutorial before you got wrong way

well, i hope you can and your touchpad worked. if any feedback, question or etc please comment below but dont spam. have nice day see you..

cara fix touchpad di  acer Aspire E14 ES1-411, cara fix touchpad di  acer Aspire E14 ES1-411-C61F, how to fix acer touchpad, how to fix touchpad on  acer Aspire E14 ES1-411 after installing windows 10

[ORI] download windows 7 sp1 iso file

hai guys, gimana kabar nya ? semoga sehat semua ya dan laptop atau komputer nya juga. oke guys diwaktu luang ini saya akan berbagi link download nih yaitu windows 7 sp1 yang berbentuk iso file, apa sih itu sp1, sp1 itu singkatan dari service pack 1 jadi bisa di mengerti kan apa maksud nya. microsoft  menyediakan 3 bagian service pack guys, yaitu windows 7 service pack 1, service pack 2, service pack 3. oke guys berikut link download untuk windows 7 sp1 yang berbentuk iso file nya. klik link dibawah ini
download windows 7 sp1 iso file ori

cara menggunakan nya yakni
1. kalian harus menginstall windows 7 biasa atau ultimate terlebih dahulu
2. install semua driver yang kalian perlu
3. install software utiliti yang kalian butuh kan ( jangan install antivirus) termaksud daemon tool ultra 4 karena digunakan untuk mounting file iso nya (ultra iso juga bisa)
4. download windows 7 sp1 file ori diatas
5. setelah di download mount file iso windows 7 sp 1 tadi menggunakan daemon tool ultra atau ultra iso (ultra iso dengan cara klik kanan file windows 7 sp1 tadi lalu pilih mount to , kalo daemon tool ultra tinggal double klik aja)
6. jika sudah buka hasil mounting tadi dengan nama folder atau partisi CD ROM lalu klik setup dan ikuti perintah didalamnya gampang kok cuma next next aja, dan tunggu proses hingga selesai maka pc otomatis akan reboot.
proses penginstalan tampak seperti ini guys 

7. cek apakah sudah sp1 atau belum windows 7 nya dengan cara buka windows exploler klik kanan computer lalu pilih properties dan akan tampak seperti ini

oke guys segitu aja kali ini semoga bermanfaat, kenapa sih kok harus windows sp 1 karena ada masalah atau tidak mendukung nya library libray baru di windows 7 biasa, apalagi buat para gamers yang ingin ringan saat bermain game kesayangan nya sangat cocok menggunakan windows 7 sp1 ini. sudah saya test saya bermain game Devil may cry di windows 10 hanya dapat 15-20 fps sedangkan di windows 7 sp1 ini 30-45 fps dengan high texture di core i3 ram 2gb waw bukan. jika ada yang ingin di tanyakan silakan berkomentar. sekian terima kasih.

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