hi guys, how are you today ? i hope youre fine! , today i wanna tell you how to install or build mpdviz on ubuntu based. its means, this is work on ubuntu based distro's like linux mint, xubuntu, elementary, and maybe work also on debian based.mpdviz is stand alone mpd visualizer for linux, mpdviz is use golang ( go ) for their language. so, you must install golang to install mpdviz. but, dont worry i can explain you how to install mpdviz right now. just follow this step.
1. open terminal and type this command below and dont close terminal until you done all proccess in this step
git clone https://github.com/lucy/mpdviz.git
2. type this command below
# apt-get install golang cl-fftw3 # install Go language and fftw3
3. create folder /go/src/ to your ~/ and add this command to your .bashrc
export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
4. back to terminal and type on terminal
source ~/.bashrc
5. type it on previous terminal.
user: $ mkdir temp
user: $ cd temp
user: $ pkgname=mpdviz
user: $ pkgver=0.4.2
user: $ pkgrel=1
user: $ pkgdesc='Standalone console MPD visualizer'
user: $ export arch=('x86_64' 'i686' )
user: $ export url='https://github.com/neeee/mpdviz'
user: $ license=('MIT')
user: $ makedepends=('go')
user: $ depends=('fftw')
user: $ export options=('!emptydirs')
user: $ export _gourl='github.com/neeee/mpdviz'
user: $ export srcdir="$PWD"
user: $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig
user: $ export GOPATH="$srcdir"
user: $ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
user: $ go get -u -d -v "$_gourl"
user: $ cd "$srcdir/src/$_gourl"
user: $ git checkout -q tags/$pkgver
and dont close the terminal
6. and then open your file manager and navigate to the ~/temp/src/github.com/ folder
7. copy folder lucy and mattn folder inside ~/temp/src/github.com/ folder and copy into root folder like this /usr/lib/go/src/github.com/ (if github.com not create on /usr/lib/go/src/ you can create it.)
8. copy go-fftw folder inside ~/temp/src/github.com/lucy/ and copy to the ~/go/src/
9.go back terminal and type cd ~/mpdviz
10. and type go build
and see what happend ! if successful you not see any log on terminal, and if you look any log on terminal its reverse..
i hope this method can help you, and i hope you done with follow this step. and if any error, feedback, and youre done leave command bellow. thanks !